So this week was recovery week.
Should I feel rested? Yes.
DO I feel rested? Monday morning's answer is YES.
Sunday afternoon's was more like: "Somewhat: legs are heavy, but it was a big testing week-end."
Yes, a big week-end it was. Saturday, we had a bike time trial (TT) at the PEAK. 6 members of the Right Shoe squad lined up to ride part of the Ironman Canada course (15.45 k). Meanwhile, my training buddy Klaus was running his mMol up on the treadmill as we were cycling. Our buddy, LG, the rocket on the highest sprocket, came to see the damage on the TT and reminded us that you should never take anything for granted.
Back to the TT. Knowing the course did not make it easier. I was sporting old cycling shorts, but it was my first time on my yet-to-be-named tribike. Legs felt heavy; the breakfast...well the breakfast was being felt ...great combo for a great challenge.
Biggest lesson of the day: can't have a great one everyday, so put your head down and try to survive.
Survive, I did; however, I was 14 seconds slower than in November (and 1 Watt less powerful-does being lighter by 1 pound matter?). Therefore, there is room (MUCHO room) for improvement and there is time (mucho time) to improve.
Sunday was running day: a 2-hour long run with the last 30 minutes at goal race pace for the First Half Marathon (on Feb. 13). The day was the greatest day of the year so far: it was NOT raining AND the sun was out. We started at the Right Shoe and went up and down Cypress (Vancouver bike route, not the North Shore mountain), west along Cornwall and back around Vanier Park, over the Burrard Bridge and ended with the False Creek Loop. Tempo was swift, strong and constant: the pace was good and the distance was a decent 7.22 k in 30 min.
So I can say Recovery week was a success. I feel fresh-er, I know what to work on and I got time to do it.
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